
This is the hard part!

Vision....We can all be, regardless of our past, used for God's glory.  My faith has been tested throughout life, but God continues to bless my life.

So, for years I've heard, Sheila write a book, Sheila you need to write.  My response, I don't write.  

I want to use this Blog page to share thoughts, feelings, etc. to start putting things down.  I have so much bottled up inside that God is pouring into me that I want to share.  So here we go.

I want to reach people that may not otherwise read something else.  Also I want God to stretch me. Use me in ways that are maybe a little uncomfortable to me. You will notice in my Blogs I will probably mention BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) at times and that is because I am a group leader and I have attended BSF for years.  I want the boldness that Peter, John, Paul, etc. had to spread the Gospel.  And maybe, just maybe this is one small way.

I can be on a platform, etc but this way, I'm hidden, behind my little keyboard, just me and Jesus, typing away. Sharing some love and hope and faith.  Letting you all know that even though I have been through some hard times, pretty sure I've been so close to the fire that I've smelled like smoke, my faith has never wavered because Jesus held my hand or carried me.

So, lets see this thing through together.  The sunrise and the sunsets will be just Gorgeous!


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